

Thursday, April 7, 2016


At school, the children have noticed that there are many ladybugs on the school grounds.  The children have been very interested in the ladybugs and have been asking lots of great questions.  For science, we decided to learn more about ladybugs.  We have been studying their body parts as well as their life cycle.  On Thursday we completed 'Ladybug Stations'.  The children chose different activities that they were interested in.

Samara and Meg used the computers to 'Google' and research answers to our questions about ladybugs.

Thomas and Brady used the magnifying glasses and observed real ladybugs.

Moses watched Youtube videos to learn more fun facts about ladybugs.

Sophie and many other children, chose to make their own ladybug life cycle wheel.

We have been learning lots of new things, in lots of fun ways!

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